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A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is a software program that allows users to record, edit, and produce audio files. It is used in many different settings, including music production, sound design, game audio, film and TV post-production, and podcasting.

Main Functions of a DAW

The main functions of modern-day Digital Audio Workstation software include:

Recording: DAWs allow users to record audio from a variety of sources, such as microphones, instruments, and MIDI controllers.

Editing: DAWs allow users to edit audio files by cutting, copying, pasting, and rearranging sections of audio. They also offer a variety of tools for cleaning up and enhancing audio, such as noise reduction, EQ, and compression.

Mixing: DAWs allow users to mix multiple audio tracks together, adjusting levels, panning, and applying effects to create a cohesive final product.

Mastering: DAWs offer tools and features for mastering audio, such as loudness normalization and EQ adjustments to ensure that the final audio product meets industry standards.

Main Benefits of using a DAW

Some of the main benefits of using a DAW include:

  • Efficiency: DAWs allow users to quickly and easily record, edit, and produce audio, saving time and effort compared to traditional analog methods.
  • Flexibility: DAWs offer a wide range of tools and features that allow users to customize their audio production process and achieve the desired results.
  • Collaboration: Many DAWs offer features that allow users to collaborate together and work on projects remotely, making it easier to work with others on audio projects like podcasts and song ideation.
  • Portability: DAWs can be used on a variety of devices, including computers, laptops, and tablets, making it easier to work on audio projects from anywhere.

There are many popular software DAWs, some of which come built into the Operating System of your favourite computer, such as Apple GarageBand on Macs. Sound On Sound regularly covers all the top brands in its monthly DAW Masterclasses. From Steinberg Cubase and Avid Pro Tools, PreSonus Studio One and Apple Logic Pro, MOTU Digital Performer to Ableton Live, Reason Studios Reason and Cockos Reaper, you'll find how-to techniques and tips for all of these and other DAWs collected under the sections shown above.

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 items
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    Apple Logic Pro X

    Music Production Software For Mac OS

    Apple have made Logic easier to use. But have they compromised the powerful features that professional users depend on?

    Reviews Sep 2013
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    Avid Pro Tools 11.

    Avid Pro Tools 11

    Digital Audio Workstation Software [Mac OS/Windows]

    If Pro Tools 10 was a watershed release in the product's history, Pro Tools 11 marks the beginning of a new era for Avid's audio production platform.

    Reviews Sep 2013
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    Steinberg Nuendo v6.

    Steinberg Nuendo 6

    DAW Software For Mac OS & Windows

    In the latest version of their flagship post-production software, Steinberg have applied some clever lateral thinking to loudness metering and ADR recording.

    Reviews Jun 2013
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    Propellerhead Reason 7

    Music Production Software For Mac OS & Windows

    Reason has evolved in splendid isolation from other production tools, but version 7 sees Propellerhead build bridges to the outside world.

    Reviews Jun 2013
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    Ableton Live 9 & Push Controller.

    Ableton Live 9 & Push

    DAW Software & Hardware Controller

    Live 9 has been a long time coming, but, along with Ableton’s new Push controller, has the potential to revolutionise music-making.

    Reviews Mar 2013
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    Steinberg Cubasis

    DAW App For iPad

    In the dim and distant past, Cubasis used to be one of the names Steinberg reserved for junior versions of Cubase...

    Reviews Mar 2013
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    Steinberg Cubase 7.

    Steinberg Cubase 7

    Music Production Software [Mac OS/Windows]

    Steinberg's DAW software has received perhaps its biggest shake-up to date, with a redesigned mixer and some clever chord functions.

    Reviews Feb 2013
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    Cakewalk Sonar X2.

    Cakewalk Sonar X2

    Digital Audio Workstation Software For Windows

    Cakewalk’s programmers seem to be constantly pedalling the upgrade cycle! We find out what’s new and exciting in the latest Sonar X2...

    Reviews Jan 2013
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