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Alchemea announce new training facility

Apple-certified Final Cut Studio courses now available

Music-tech course providers Alchemea have opened a brand-new training facility. The new space, which Alchemea call Eastwing, comprises two fully kitted-out classrooms, a multi-purpose ‘warehouse style’ space and student relaxation and toilet facilities, was designed and constructed with studio builder Tony English. One of the classrooms has been fitted with the newest generation of iMacs, and these all run Pro Tools, Logic and Final Cut Studio.<strong>Alchemea's new Eastwing classroom</strong>

Of the new facilities, Alchemea say, “This additional space will allow us to increase the frequency of our existing music technology short courses, as well as provide the space to expand in other areas of multimedia training.” Speaking of which, Alchemea have also announced that, from next year, they will be offering Apple-certified training in Final Cut Studio. The training will take place at Eastwing, and to mark the company’s move into video training, they say that editors who take the course will also receive a free one-day course in either colour correction or Sountrack Pro.

For more information, check out the Alchemea web site, below.

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