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Auto-Tune comes to Reason

Classic pitch correction now available as a Rack Extension

Antares have released a Rack Extension edition of their classic pitch correction processor, allowing you to run Auto-Tune directly in Reason. As well as all the effects for which Auto-Tune is loved/hated, this new version also has a few Reason-exclusive features. Virtual CV I/O let you pipe audio into and out of it within the Reason Rack, while a pitch-to-CV converter lets you 'play' other Reason instruments by simply singing into the Auto-Tune plug-in. Auto-Tune Reason even ships with collection of Combinator processing chains, covering both corrective and creative uses of Antares' tuning algorithms.

It's selling now on the Reason online shop for just $99/€109, and a free 30-day trial is also available at the link below.

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