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Mixing / Production

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    Q. Why does my kick lose weight when I compress the drum bus?

    Quite a few engineers who work with bands like driving their drum submix into fairly heavy compression, but whenever I try doing this it seems like I end up losing the low‑end weight from my kick drum...

    Sound Advice Jun 2024
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    Q. When should I start mixing through my bus compressor?

    At what point in the mixdown process do you think it’s best to engage the master‑bus compressor?

    Sound Advice Feb 2024
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    Olivier Alary & Johannes Malfatti

    Inspiring Creativity With VoIP | Podcast

    Olivier and Johannes go behind the scenes on the techniques that they used to create their latest collaborative album featuring the use of VoIP technology to process sound.

    People Feb 2021
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    Q. Can Haas delays be mono-compatible?

    I’ve been using the Haas delay effect to add some nice width to my guitar parts. It sounds great, but I’ve noticed that when I listen in mono my guitars pretty much disappear from the mix. Any advice?

    Sound Advice Aug 2015
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    Q. How do I maximise loudness on tracks?

    I have been recording music for quite a few years now, but I always get the same problem when I listen back to my mixes:...

    Sound Advice May 2007
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    Q. Can I use a Mono compressor for Stereo compression?

    I was wondering if it's possible to use a single mono compressor that can be stereo linked (the Focusrite ISA430, for...

    Sound Advice May 2005
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    Q. How do I compress a stereo source?

    I am recording using a spaced-pair miking setup and I want to apply light compression to the signal. Where in the signal chain should I insert the compressor (pre- or post-fade), and will I have to buy a dedicated stereo compressor to do the job properly?

    Sound Advice Oct 2004
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    Q. In what order should I compress and EQ?

    When using a compressor and an EQ as insert effects on a snare drum, is it better to use compression followed by EQ or EQ first then compression?

    Sound Advice Sep 2004
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    Q & A

    Your Questions Answered

    What advantages are there to variable input impedance? • How can I extract loops from audio sample CDs? • Can I use the True Tape option in Cubase to prevent clipping? • Should I use S/PDIF or AES for long cable runs? • Can you have too much low-frequency absorption? • What's the best way to use the multiple filters on my soft synth?

    Sound Advice Jun 2003
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    20 Tips On Using Effects In The Mix

    Processing Guidelines

    The way you use effects and processors can make or break a mix. Paul White offers 20 useful tips to help you get it right first time.

    Sound Advice Jul 1999
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