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RedNet European Tour

Focusrite & SAE announce audio network demos

Press Release: Focusrite are hosting a European RedNet Technology Preview tour in conjunction with the SAE Institute. Product specialist Adrian Hogg will be demonstrating RedNet as well as explaining the history behind Focusrite’s flagship Network Audio system.Focusrite RedNet interfaces

Attendees will have the chance to see the system in action, and learn how RedNet can work for them. The Focusrite RedNet team will be on-hand to answer questions and assist with specific questions relating to bespoke installations.

The events start promptly at 6pm and continue until 9pm at the following SAE locations:

• London: November 7th

• Amsterdam: November 20th

• Brussels: November 21st

• Paris: November 22nd

We look forward to seeing you there and demonstrating the power of RedNet!

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