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    Classic Tracks: The Doors 'Strange Days'

    Producer: Paul Rothchild • Engineeer: Bruce Botnick

    Engineer and producer Bruce Botnick recorded some of the greatest artifacts of West Coast psychedelia, among them the first five albums by The Doors. Here he describes the making of their influential second album and its title track, which saw them develop their live sound through radical experimentation in the studio.

    Techniques Dec 2003
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    Backing Vocals header artwork.

    Q. What's the best way to produce a double-tracked rap vocal?

    How do you get that double-tracked vocal sound you hear on rap records? Are there any plug-ins I could use?

    Sound Advice Dec 2003
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    Classic Tracks: Cliff Richard 'Move It'

    Producer: Norrie Paramor • Engineer: Malcolm Addey

    This month, Sound On Sound begins a major new series, looking back in detail at the engineering and production behind some of the most historically significant recordings ever made, with the story of the first and greatest British rock & roll record.

    Techniques Nov 2003
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    Demo Doctor

    Reader Recordings Analysed

    The Doc proffers diagnosis and suitable cures for another batch of reader-submitted meisterwerks.

    Techniques Nov 2003
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    Studio SOS: Balance & Tonality

    The Harding Family

    Musicality isn't everything when you're trying to make a decent-sounding recording at home, even if you're as talented as the multi-instrumentalist Harding family. So the SOS team travelled north to help them get their engineering techniques up to scratch.

    Techniques Nov 2003
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    Q. What's the difference between audio and data CD-Rs?

    What is the difference between audio and data CD-Rs? Surely digital audio is just data?

    Sound Advice Nov 2003
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    Berlin Woodwinds' flute ensemble: (L-R) Yasuko Fuchs, Klaus Schöpp, Silvia Careddu.

    Q. How do I mike up woodwind instruments?

    I'm going to be adding some woodwind parts to a track, recording flute, clarinet, alto and tenor saxophones one at a time. Can you offer any advice on how to mike them up?

    Sound Advice Nov 2003
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    Q. How do I solve my phasing problems?

    I have recorded an acoustic guitar into Cubase SX, both with a mic and DI'd. As I had expected, there are some phase issues...

    Sound Advice Nov 2003
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    Q. Should I believe my meters?

    I read that the level meters in most DAWs don't give a true indication of when audio is peaking, and that audio which looks like it's below 0dBFS may actually be peaking above it, causing distortion when played back. Is this true?

    Sound Advice Oct 2003
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    David Bowie & Tony Visconti

    Recording Reality

    For the 2002 album Heathen, David Bowie and Tony Visconti revived one of the greatest artist/producer partnerships in pop history. Following the success of that project, the duo have again worked closely together on Bowie's new album, Reality.

    Techniques Oct 2003
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    Q. Are all Decibels equal?

    Equipment specifications often give input and output levels with units like dBu, dBV and dBFS. What's the difference?

    Sound Advice Oct 2003
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    Q. How do I compress my orchestral recordings?

    I regularly make stereo location recordings of orchestras, using Cool Edit Pro for editing and mastering. If I simply...

    Sound Advice Sep 2003
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    Q. Why is my vocal clipping?

    I've been recording vocals using a Neumann TLM103 mic going through a Dbx 386 tube preamp, and using the Dbx's converters to send a digital signal into a Roland VS1680 multitracker. I understood the Dbx was virtually impossible to clip, but experience proves otherwise! What am I doing wrong?

    Sound Advice Sep 2003
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    Q & A

    More questions answered by the SOS crew

    Q How can I use VST instruments live?

    I'm interested in using my VST instruments when...

    Techniques Aug 2003
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    Creating Click Tracks For Drummers

    If you want to incorporate live drumming into your sequencer-based productions, your drummer will almost certainly have to play along to some sort of click track. However, if you're not careful, it could easily end up being more a hindrance than a help.

    Techniques Aug 2003
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    What Mic Should I Buy First?

    Sound Advice

    We answer one of the most common queries from those just starting out with home recording.

    Sound Advice Jul 2003
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    Will Gregory: Recording Black Cherry


    It seems that almost everyone who's heard Goldfrapp's debut album Felt Mountain has fallen under their spell. Now the duo have returned with a second, Black Cherry, and a harder, synth-based sound.

    Techniques Jul 2003
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    Q & A

    Dozens of your recording questions receive poignant answers from SOS's editorial experts.

    Sound Advice Jul 2003
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    Recording A Jazz Band On Location: Part 1

    Planning The Session

    We follow a location recording project from start to finish, showing you how to plan for and conduct the session, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls.

    Techniques Jul 2003
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    Q & A

    Your Questions Answered

    What advantages are there to variable input impedance? • How can I extract loops from audio sample CDs? • Can I use the True Tape option in Cubase to prevent clipping? • Should I use S/PDIF or AES for long cable runs? • Can you have too much low-frequency absorption? • What's the best way to use the multiple filters on my soft synth?

    Sound Advice Jun 2003
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    Digital Clocking Explained

    Most home studio owners now rely heavily on digital audio recording and processing, but you could be sacrificing the quality of your recordings if your system isn't clocked correctly.

    Techniques Apr 2003


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