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    Zoom R12 MultiTrak announced

    Zoom unveil R12 MultiTrak

    More than just a new portable multitrack recording device

    Not only a multitrack recorder, the R12 has built-in rhythm parts and a playable synthesizer and can operate as an audio interface or DAW controller.

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    Hugh Robjohns (L) and Paul White (R)

    From Tape To DAW | Podcast

    Recollections From Paul White & Hugh Robjohns

    Paul White and Hugh Robjohns discuss the evolution of recording from the perspective of their own experiences, starting with analogue tape and ending with computer-based digital systems.

    People Nov 2021
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    Digital Interfacing

    Connections & Clocking For Digital Audio

    Getting the jitters about your digital clocking? Don't know your AES from your EBU? Then read on.

    Techniques Feb 2007
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    Q. Are there any MP3 players we can use as portable recorders?

    My band members and I wish to find an easy and affordable way to record and disseminate arrangement ideas. Currently, we...

    Sound Advice Dec 2006
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    Q. What is different about the varieties of Dolby noise reduction?

    Could you explain the subtle differences between all the different variants of Dolby — A, B, C, HX and SR?

    Sound Advice Aug 2005
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    Q. Should I sync my MIDI gear with my multitracker?

    I use MIDI-sequenced sound modules for backing, so I am considering the option of sync'ing my sequencer with my AW4416 and running the modules in time with the recorded material. Or is it more sensible for me to record the module outputs to the hard drive?

    Sound Advice Aug 2005
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    Q. Can you explain how the 'Track Expansion Method' works?

    Back in 1986-7, there was an ad for an amazing and inexpensive technique which, it claimed, added many more audio tracks to your eight-track reel-to-reel tape machine. How did it work?

    Sound Advice Jun 2005
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    Q. Why do my recordings sound harsh now that I've switched to digital?

    Recently, I bought a digital recorder and have been re-recording some of my old compositions from scratch in digital but, to my great disappointment, I am finding that my mixes are sounding harsh and cluttered. I thought digital recording would give me more clarity in the mix because of its higher fidelity. Where am I going wrong and what can I do about it?

    Sound Advice Mar 2004
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    Portable DAT Recording On A Budget

    Tips & Tricks

    Taking a compact DAT machine out and about can gain you some unique recordings, but can also present you with some unique problems.

    Techniques Dec 1997
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