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Samplers / Sampling

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    Akai MPC2000XL

    Percussion Sampler/Sequencer

    Three years ago Paul Wiffen concluded that Akai had brought the concept of the sampling drum machine up to date with the MPC2000. Now he takes a look at its successor to see how much more you get when you XL.

    Reviews Dec 1999
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    Emu E5000 Ultra


    Billed as the most afordable Emulator yet, the E5000 Ultra is Emu's new contender in the middleweight professional sampler stakes — and it's a force to be reckoned with.

    Reviews Nov 1999
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    Emu E4XT Ultra

    Sampler / Sequencer / Synthesizer

    Is it a synth, a sequencer or a sampler? The answer to all three questions is an emphatic 'yes', as Paul White finds out when he takes the E4XT Ultra into his studio.

    Reviews Aug 1999
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    Yamaha SU700

    Sampling Workstation

    The SU700, Yamaha's entry into the 'groove sampler' stakes, is derived from their A3000 studio sampler and inherits some of its sibling's most impressive features — including adventurous effects and imaginative sample-manipulation facilities — while adding quite a few tricks of its own. Derek Johnson and Debbie Poyser go loopy.

    Reviews Apr 1999
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    Fairlight CMI [Retrozone]

    Digital Sampling Keyboard Synthesizer

    Norm Leete waxes lyrical about the mega-synth that introduced sampling to the world back in 1980 and went on to appear on innumerable hit singles and albums.

    Reviews Apr 1999
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    Kurzweil K250 workstation keyboard with Apple Macintosh.

    Kurzweil K250 [Retrozone]

    Workstation Keyboard

    Philip Meehan fondly remembers his first love — a keyboard with the voice of an angel, the mind of a genius, and the body of a heavyweight boxer in a big black coat.

    Reviews Feb 1999
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    Akai S6000 sampler

    Akai S6000 & S5000

    Rackmount Samplers

    Akai samplers, in their familiar off‑white rackmount cases, have become fixtures in studios all over the world. Their latest models may use the same colour scheme, but they offer an entirely new user interface and a host of powerful new features.

    Reviews Jan 1999
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    Zoom Sampletrak ST224


    Derek Johnson & Debbie Poyser check out a product which offers up to four minutes of sample time, 22 different effects, audio processing and resampling facilities — for £199. If you'd been reading this only a few years ago , you'd have assumed that some digits had been missed off the price...

    Reviews Jan 1999
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