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McDSP announce KD1 Kinetic Drive APB plug-in

Direct control over analogue saturation settings

McDSP announce KD1 APB plug-in

McDSP have announced that the KD1 Kinetic Drive APB plug-in will soon be available for their APB Analogue Processing Box. The KD1 provides the user with direct control over analogue saturation settings, with McDSP saying there is scope for everything from subtle harmonic overtones through to sonic mayhem.

The KD1's saturation can be focused on a specific selectable portion of the frequency spectrum, and other attributes such as voltage supply reaction, level compression and more can be adjusted. Each KD1 processing mode utilises a different circuit within the APB hardware to make full use of its processing capabilities, and the plug-in lets users independently control the original and processed signal levels. As with all APB plug-ins, the KD1’s controls can be automated and saved as a preset for instant session recall.

Watch our McDSP KD1 Video Report from NAMM 2023 to learn more.

Price & Availability

McDSP estimate the KD1 will be available in June this year and is free to all registered APB hardware owners.

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