128 MIDI channels would have seemed like complete overkill ten years ago, but today's multitimbral voice modules can use them up at an alarming rate. Martin Russ checks out an eight-port patchbay/interface from Opcode.
Martin Russ looks forwards and backwards this month, with visits to the limits of Mac-Time, the year 2000, MacOS 10, and a modern version of yesterday's analogues.
MIDI & Digital Audio File Player/Data Filer/MIDI Matrix
It's a MIDI patchbay! It's a MIDI data filer and player! It's a sampler playback unit! It's... impossible to sum up in a few words. Martin Russ is delighted to make the aquaintance of the grand seigneur of all MIDI file players.
Martin Russ indulges in some post-Expo analysis after a visit to the Apple event of the year, and takes a look at a new Mac-compatible operating system, BeOS.