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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 items
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    Eliminating Phase Problems

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    This month, we explain how to eliminate phase problems in Cubase's Audio Editor, and round up some interesting new plug-ins.

    Techniques Dec 2001
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    VST Channel Settings; Channel Mixer; Cubasis v3

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    When you work with a complex program such as Cubase VST, it's easy to overlook the hundreds of small features that are there to make your life easier.

    Techniques Nov 2001
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    Extract Tempo Data From Unmetricised Audio

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Last month we explained how to derive a Cubase tempo from freely played MIDI. This time, we look at how to extract tempo data from unmetricised audio...

    Techniques Oct 2001
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    Master track; Meter Hitpoints; DR-Verb

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    This month, we explore the murky world of Cubase's Master track in a bid to teach it the tempo of a MIDI part. There's also some hot news about updates and an excellent shareware reverb plug-in, as well as the usual tips and tricks.

    Techniques Sep 2001
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    Cubase Score Editor

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    More wise words on using Cubase's Score editor this month, as we explain how to create a musical score in which several voices share a single stave. There's also the usual assortment of handy editing tips...

    Techniques Aug 2001
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    VST Score & VST/32

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    This month we focus on the score editor in Cubase VST Score and Cubase VST/32, and offer a handy tip for recovering corrupt Songs.

    Techniques Jul 2001
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    Exporting Audio; Incorporating External MIDI Instruments

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    This month's crop of Cubase tips covers the multitude of options available when exporting audio, plus ways of incorporating external MIDI instruments and effects into your mix.

    Techniques Jun 2001
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    Interactive Phrase Synth; Merging MIDI Parts; Steinberg LM4

    Cubase Technique

    This month's Cubase Technique introduces more features of the Interactive Phrase Synth, offers some handy hints on merging MIDI Parts, and provides some words of bitter experience on creating your own instruments in Steinberg's LM4 drum machine.

    Techniques May 2001
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    Interactive Phrase Synthesizer

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    The Interactive Phrase Synthesizer is one of those parts of Cubase that most of us know exist, but which few have actually used. We take a look at what it can do, as well as offering some handy tips on setting up loops and introducing the idea of controlling your computer remotely...

    Techniques Apr 2001
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    Manipulating Note Lengths

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    The facilities that Cubase offers for manipulating note legnths may not be amongst its most exciting features, but as this month's Cubase Notes demonstrates, they can prove to be invaluable.

    Techniques Mar 2001
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    Studio Module

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    The Studio Module allows PC and Atari users to select configurations and patch names for their synths within Cubase. Paul Nagle guides you through the basics of creating a Studio Module setup.

    Techniques Feb 2001
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    Logic Edit Function, Part 2

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Continuing his in-depth explaination of the Logical Edit functions of Cubase in Easy Mode, Paul Sellars looks this month at the role of the Processing stage settings, in conjunction with the Filter and Function operation, before moving on to the greater complexities of Expert mode...

    Techniques Jan 2001
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