Pro Tools 12 makes radical improvements to the way inputs and outputs are handled, which benefit all users.
Memory Locations in Pro Tools don’t have to be tied to the timeline — they can also store and recall a host of session parameters.
Exploiting Memory Locations to the full will revolutionise the way you work with Pro Tools.
Before you deliver your Pro Tools project to a collaborator, it’s vital to make sure it has everything they’ll need!
We help you keep your ever–growing Pro Tools sessions manageable!
For the most effective time correction in Pro Tools, you need to choose your weapon carefully...
Understanding Pro Tools’ automation is the key to unlocking its mixing power.
Many of Pro Tools’ editing tools offer useful alternative modes. Here’s how to get the best from them.
Latency can be a nightmare in digital recording. Here’s how to keep on top of it in Pro Tools.
Pro Tools acting funny? Chances are you’ve just changed playback mode by accident.
Pro Tools’ Quick Start dialogue does exactly what its name suggests!
These files accompany Pro Tools Technique article in the November 2014 issue.
From guitar amps to gates, Pro Tools’ bundled plug-ins are more versatile than you might think.
The plug-ins that come with Pro Tools are more powerful than you might think.
Perhaps the most versatile track type in Pro Tools is one that you can't even record to!
The first step to setting up a Pro Tools session is to understand what its different track types are for.
Understanding the role of buses in the Pro Tools mixer opens up powerful routing possibilities.
We explain how to properly configure your Pro Tools audio inputs, outputs and buses.
Familiarise yourself with some basic concepts, and you'll be up and running with Pro Tools in no time.
We look at ways to open up your Pro Tools plug‑in world through VST hosting.
Pro Tools often turns up its nose at corrupt WAV files. Here's how to bring them into line.
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