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Cherry Audio

Cherry Audio Octave Electronics CAT hardware duophonic synthesizer emulation

Cherry Audio release Octave Cat soft synth

Cherry Audio's CAT synthesizer recreation aims to deliver the same aggressive sound and flexible modulation system as the hardware version, whilst also introducing some modern features that extend its versatility.

Cherry Audio GX-80 CS-80 GX-1 virtual instrument vintage synthesizer software recreation emulation

Cherry Audio release GX-80

Cherry Audio have released a reproduction of the legendary CS-80 synthesizer that also includes the dual-layer functionality, additional waveforms, and unique filters of the Yamaha GX-1.

Cherry Audio Elka-X vintage synthex synthesizer software

Cherry Audio release Elka-X

Cherry Audio have announced the release of Elka-X, a software synthesizer based upon the rare ELKA Synthex instrument


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