Vic Keary passes away
Founder and chief designer of Thermionic Culture, Vic Keary, has sadly passed away.
Founder and chief designer of Thermionic Culture, Vic Keary, has sadly passed away.
Thermionic's latest valve preamp offers bags of gain and plenty of analogue warmth. Is this the perfect partner for your ribbon mics?
The Phoenix all-valve compressor is a high flyer when it comes to quality and price. Will it help Thermionic Culture feather their nest?
With high-resolution digital mixers, processors and recorders now standard fare, our recordings can sometimes seem too clean and sterile. As a result, there is quite a demand for devices and plug-ins which add a little distortion or warmth to a recording. This unusual product aims to give you every tube distortion sound you could ever want!
Combining characteristics from various classic equalisers, including the designer’s originals, the Swift isn’t quite like anything else.
Vic Keary's latest design is a compressor that's also a mic preamp and an EQ — but not, apparently, a channel strip!
With its parallel inputs, Thermionic Culture’s valve-based channel strip enables all sorts of creative recording options. And it sounds great, too!
The classy Phoenix rises again — but this time it has been tweaked for the mastering fraternity.
Is this latest addition to the Thermionic Culture flock something for the company to crow about?