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Mixing / Production

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 items
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    At Home With

    This duo can take the credit for an amazing range of TV themes and scores, but how did they get into such a fiercely competitive industry in the first place? Paul White learns about the ratings game...

    People Apr 1996
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    PAUL SCHUTZE: Composing In The Modern Age

    Interview | Composer

    For most of us, computers in the studio are part and parcel of the digital revolution. Not from where avant-garde composer Paul Schutze is standing. Paul Tingen discovers a new perspective...

    People Apr 1996
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    How To Become A Record Producer: Part 4

    Working As A Team

    Once the artist, their record company and A&R manager have agreed the balance sheet, there are still artistic questions to be resolved. This month, continuing his look at working as a team, David Mellor explains how producer, arranger, programmer and session musician can live together in perfect harmony...

    People Apr 1996
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