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Audio Ease on the Subcontinent

Gol Gumbaz Impulse Response created for Altiverb
Audio Ease have been to Bijapur, India to create the latest impulse response for their Altiverb convolution reverb software. The expedition took a team of Audio Ease recording engineers to Gol Gumbaz, a building in India with the second largest unsupported dome in the world, after being invited by a local audio technician.

And it sounds like the trip was worthwhile. Commenting on the results, engineer Arjen van der Schoot remarked, "we are now in the possession of the most stunning reverb tail I have came across in my career". Apparently, the reverb tail is 14 seconds long, a whole five seconds longer than any of Audio Ease's other impulse responses.

To hear samples from Gol Gumbaz for yourself, check out Altiverb is available in the UK through Unity Audio (

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