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Free APU Loudness Meter plug-in

LUFS, True Peak, RMS & Peak metering

APU Software Loudness Meter free dynamic range True Peak RMS LUFS monitoring metering plug-in

APU Software have recently announced the release of APU Loudness Meter, a dynamic range analysis tool which is being offered as a free download. The plug-in has been designed to provide a detailed visual overview of a signal’s dynamic content, and is capable of operating in real time as well as providing information on a signal’s overall loudness over a specified time.

The plug-in offers four different types of loudness metering: LUFS, Peak, True Peak and RMS, each of which support dual mono and stereo operation. Setting the plug-in to dual mono will treat each channel independently, whilst stereo mode will display an integrated measurement of both channels.

The centre of the GUI contains a visualiser which displays a continuous real-time view of the source and output loudness over time, with users able to specify the window of time being displayed from the plug-in’s Visualization menu. A Statistics section to the right of the GUI then provides users with a numerical readout of key parameter information.

APU Loudness Meter comes equipped with a selection of target range presets that relate to various industry-related loudness figures. Currently, the list of presets is as follows:

  • APU Default
  • Netflix Online Streaming
  • US TV ATSC A/85 Broadcast
  • EU R128 Broadcast
  • AES Streaming
  • Apple
  • Deezer
  • Spotify/Tidal/YouTube
  • Spotify Loud


APU Loudness Meter is supported on PCs running Windows 10 and above, and Macs running macOS 10.15 or higher. It is available in VST and AU plug-in formats, and as a standalone application.


APU Loudness Meter is available now, and is free for anyone to download.

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