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IMSTA: Let's Talk Piracy Survey

Survey now closed

There are a few days left to the end of IMSTA’s Let’s Talk Piracy Survey 2009. SOS urges those who have not yet completed the survey to do so. This survey provides a great opportunity for both legitimate users and pirates to tell IMSTA what is on their minds without the fear of prosecution. <strong>IMSTA Piracy Survey logo</strong>To find out more or to take the survey, visit the IMSTA web site,

For those attending NAMM, IMSTA's Annual General Meeting is being held on Friday Jan 15th, 2010 during the NAMM show. The venue is the Anaheim Hilton Hotel, 777 Convention Way, Lido C room (4th floor). The meeting starts at 7:00pm and ends at 8:00pm. All IMSTA members and supporters are invited.

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