Waldorf Rocket SynthesizerAt £199 including VAT, Waldorf’s new hardware synth looks like it will be flying off shelves when it arrives in the next couple of weeks. With eight oscillators, logical layout, multi-mode filter, arpeggiator, MIDI and USB control, the Rocket has impressive features for its size and price. We at SOS can’t wait to try one. Here’s more from Waldorf.
Press Release: With Rocket, Waldorf introduces a new mini synthesizer that boasts a feature set uncommon in its class. With its advanced oscillator section this small black cube can generate sharp edged leads, gargantuan basses as well as vast synthesizer soundscapes that can resound as an 8-voice chord if desired.
The logical layout of the user interface and the choice of available parameters bear witness to the ample experience Waldorf has creating exclusive sound generators. As a result of its heritage all functions that essentially define a synth sound are available for immediate manipulation.
Waldorf Rocket rear viewEvery knob movement changes the sound directly and with immediate results. The characteristic analog Waldorf multimode filter (Low Pass / Band Pass / High Pass) can also self oscillate. The integrated Boost function intensifies the sound with sheer wickedness. Besides being used for modulation duties the LFO also contains a flexible arpeggiator that can be synchronized to the outside world using MIDI.
Rocket is an ideal fun sound design machine, which in combination with its extremely attractive price, will appeal to any sound designer and musician interested in quality sounds. It works as a stand-alone instrument or in any imaginable music production environment. But its most important feature is of course its sound: a real Waldorf synthesizer, powerful, direct and with a lot of love for the details. Naturally Rocket is completely designed and built in Germany.
Technical specifications:
• Analog multimode-filter (VCF) with Low Pass / Band Pass / High Pass
• VCF-input
• Highly flexible oscillator-section with pulse width modulation and hard sync
• Up to 8 oscillators in unison for chords or Ultra High Density Sawtooth
• Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) for modulation
• Envelopes for VCA, VCF and Sync
• Booster circuit to generate aggressive sounds
• Arpeggiator with different rhythmic patterns
• Glide
• USB powered
• MIDI in and out
• Extensive control panel with high-end pots and switches
• Control via MIDI and USB
• MIDI clock sync
• Line output
• Loud headphone output
• Launch key for easy pre listening
• Made in Germany
• SRP: 205,- Euro plus taxes