All our readers' ads are moderated manually during working days by SOS support staff before being published on our site.
Not all ads get published - we reject plenty. Perhaps your ad did not meet one of our submission rules, and so it was not published?
You can check the current status of each advert, when logged into the site, by vising MY ADS.
To ensure your ad will be published, before submitting an ad carefully read the guidelines on the Create Free Ads submission page to check that it conforms to the rules.
Occasionally there may be a longer delay in us publishing readers' ads. This is usually at busy times of the year when we receive an influx of ad submissions and when staff are on holiday/vacation, such as bank holiday weekends, during the summer months, or around Christmas and New Year when the SOS offices are closed.
Please bear with us at such times — ads are normally not delayed by more than 2 or 3 working days, and usually get published a couple of times each day.