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    Using EQ header artwork showing fingers on Focusrite EQ.

    Using EQ

    Understanding Instrument & Voice Frequency Ranges

    We explain how to get the best practical results from equalisation by understanding the true frequency ranges of most instruments and voices.

    Techniques Aug 2001
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    The DS201 exemplifies the typical controls found on a good gate.

    Advanced Gating Techniques: Part 2

    Practical Tips & Tricks

    Gates are far more than just problem-solvers for reducing spill and noise. They can be used to add punch to drum sounds, put rhythmic interest into sustained parts or even as mixing automation.

    Techniques May 2001
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    Drawmer's ever-popular DS201 dual noise gate.

    Advanced Gating Techniques: Part 1

    Tips & Tricks

    Paul White reveals that there's much more to gating than you might think.

    Techniques Apr 2001
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