Logic Pro X: Articulations & Keyswitches
Get the most out of your virtual instruments with Logic's articulation options.
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Get the most out of your virtual instruments with Logic's articulation options.
Logic's Legacy plug-ins offer some great music-making tools — you just need to know where to look...
Take your auto-sampled hardware synth patches to the next level using EXS24 and Alchemy.
Turn hardware monosynths into software polysynths by auto-sampling in Logic’s companion app, MainStage.
The Logic 10.4.2 update may sound perfectly unassuming but what it offers could make you jump for...
Use Step FX in Logic Pro X to add rhythmic interest to synth and keyboard parts.
Apple have reinvented Camel Audio’s CamelPhat as the flexible Phat FX in Logic Pro 10.4. We see what it can do.
Logic’s new Smart Tempo features can be useful when using third-party loops in your productions.
Unlock the secrets of Logic Pro’s new ChromaVerb algorithmic reverb.
With Smart Tempo in Logic Pro 10.4, you need no longer record to a click.
We serve up some fresh ideas for vocal processing using Track Stacks in Logic Pro X.
Make mono guitars monstrously wide with Logic Pro X’s Dual Mono features and Track Stacks.
We take a closer look at the automation features in Logic Pro X.
It’s day one of the annual NAMM Show in Anaheim, a convergence of 100,000 musicians, producers and music gear...
Create, recall and control complex effects chains and routings with Logic’s Smart Controls and Track Stacks.
Garageband for iOS comes free with every iPhone and iPad, making it one of the most widely owned pieces...
Pair Track Stacks with Smart Controls to create unique layered instruments in Logic!
Logic Pro 10.3.2 improves the DAW’s Drummer feature by adding new Percussionists to the mix.
Integrate your Logic Pro X tracks with GarageBand iOS and open up a world of possibilities.
Re-sculpt your bass guitar recordings with DI simulation, insert effects and part doubling in Logic Pro X.