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The Fostex DMT8 was the first affordable 8-track digital recorder with a simple cassette multitracker-style user interface. Now, there's the new DMT8VL, which costs less and has fewer features than its forerunner, but also boasts a couple of improvements to the original design. Paul White is determined to remain unconfused.
Though digital technology has transformed the nature of synths, effects, and even multitracks, project studio mixers have largely remained steadfastly analogue, breaking the chain which, if complete, would allow your music to remain in the digital domain from sequencer to master.Korg's 168RC forms the heart of a system designed to all but eliminate the analogue signal path, and Paul Wiffen wonders where it's been all his life...
If you aspire to pro Lexicon effects such as the PCM80, but don't have deep enough pockets, the MPX1 could be just up your street. Paul White gets a sneak preview.
MIDI interfaces come in many different shapes and sizes, with most slotting inside the PC. External interfaces, however, such as those made by MOTU, can offer certain advantages, as Martin Walker discovers.
Once the play thing of the rich and famous, this hybrid synthesizer/sampling system introduced the world to wavetable synthesis. John Molloy reflects on Germany's finest hour.
Ever fancied having a separate compressor, noise gate and fader and automation on every channel of your mixing desk? The latest modules from PreSonus offer all of this and more, bringing that elusive 'SSL sound' within the reach of even the most basic consoles. Dominic Hawken puts the new units through their paces.
A pair of active small studio monitors with the Spendor pedigree have to be worth investigation. Gumshoe Paul White pulls his hat low, dons his mac and checks them out.
Employing the same surface mount technology and 100 millimetre faders featured on the larger Folio SX, the stylish new F1 Continues the progressive Folio tradition of offering more features for the same price or less. Man of taste Paul Hedges decides whether he likes the cut of the F1's jib...
Tascam, the originators of the Portastudio concept, which is now almost 25 years old, have taken a fresh look at the format for the 90's, substituting the digital MiniDisc medium for the analogue tape which has served home recordists so well, and adding a clutch of brand-new features. Hugh Robjohns indulges in a little 4-play.
This Professional processor provides all the tools you need to produce a high-quality master. Hugh Robjohns has the final say.
Derek Johnson takes a second look at this powerful instrument, now available at a fraction of its original retail price.
The so-called guitarist's dream has failed to deliver on so many occasions that many guitar players now seem sceptical about the whole concept of MIDI guitars. Does the Yamaha G50 give us cause to rethink our prejudices, or does it simply reinforce them? Paul White finds out.
The MU10XG's unassuming casing conceals a sound source with hidden depths which you can explore using MIDI SysEx.
If you've heard of Paris's IRCAM, you probably imagine it's government-funded research bunker devoted to a kind of avant-garde sonic and musical experimentation that has little relevance to the average hi-tech musician. Over the last few years, though, as Paul Tingen discovers, IRCAM has been coming down to earth, and a new spirit of openness and commercial awareness now shapes its work.
Designers of the SoundBlaster range, Creative Labs recently unveiled their next generation soundcard, the AWE64 Gold. Paul White discusses the future of PC soundcards with Creative lads Franco De Bonis and Mike Chandler.
Singer/Songwriter Patcee Francis argues that music should transcend technology, not be circumscribed by it.
These high-quality headphones have been redesigned to make them more suitable for studio use. Paul White listens in.
High-profile synth programmer, remixer and recording artist Pete Gleadall is a man of many talents. Matt Bell talks to him about his part in the new Pet Shop Boys album, his work for George Michael, and the role of the modern programmer.