Cutting Edge
Could DVD kill the CD but save the music industry? Cutting Edge wouldn't be surprised...
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Could DVD kill the CD but save the music industry? Cutting Edge wouldn't be surprised...
In this final part of our series, we recap on the key things you need to consider before you start your own label, and take you through the process to the first release.
The shape of the music-technology market changed dramatically in 2002, with the two largest German music software companies gaining new ownership from American corporations. Have Steinberg reached the summit with Pinnacle?
In Part 5 we explained how a label can create its own distribution channels by selling merchandise on the Internet. This month we examine dedicated distribution companies, and how the smaller companies can serve niche record labels.
The earlier parts of this series explained how to set up your label. Now it's time to start looking at ways to get your recorded work out and on sale to the public.