Solid-state Drive Performance
Have you wondered how well Apples solid-state drive option for their MacBook Pro and MacBook Air actually performs? This month we put it to the test.
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Have you wondered how well Apples solid-state drive option for their MacBook Pro and MacBook Air actually performs? This month we put it to the test.
The fact that they achieved little commercial success didnt stop the New York Dolls from making one of the most influential albums in the history of pop music.
We examine the potential of Cubase's Groove Agent One for drum replacement.
Here is a selection of audio files to accompany this month's Cubase Technique (...
DP7 includes enticing new features ideal for guitarists. Heres a quick-start guide to the best of them.
Behind every rap megastar, theres a very talented engineer. Young Guru was at the desk throughout the recording and mixing of Jay-Zs latest smash-hit album, The Blueprint 3.
Some tips to help you and your laptop survive in the brutal world of live music.
Part 2 focuses on using the magic of Flex Time for easier quantising of multitracked drums.
In the second part of our masterclass on the production of modern metal music, we explain what makes a great metal mix.
MP3 audio files to accompany this month's Mixing Metal (Part 2) article.
Getting your recordings fit for the mix is crucially important, but it is something that nearly all Mix Rescue candidates seem to overlook to a greater or lesser extent.
Hear for yourself the before and after mix elements.
We delve once more into the power hidden in Pro Tools' unassuming Region List window.
We explain some of the tricks and composition methods opened up by Sonar 8.5s new Matrix view.
As Apple and Spotify mark out the boundaries of the sharing culture, copyright owners are still looking for ways to make their music pay in a digital age.
Links to Audio files which accompany this month's Cubase techniques article.
More than just a pitch-correction tool, Cubase's VariAudio offers a means of extracting MIDI data from audio files.
REMs first single wasnt just an embryonic form of the style and sound that would later make them so successful, it was also a gem of the American new wave. But it took a long time coming...
When you need to tweak or re-work a track to produce alternative versions, DP has features that make it easy.