Arturia MiniBrute 2 & 2S
The hugely successful MiniBrute has evolved into what Arturia describe as a synthesis ‘ecosystem’, but the MiniBrute 2 and 2S aren’t just updates — they’re completely new instruments.
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The hugely successful MiniBrute has evolved into what Arturia describe as a synthesis ‘ecosystem’, but the MiniBrute 2 and 2S aren’t just updates — they’re completely new instruments.
Arturia’s MatrixBrute combines everything the company know about synthesis into one hugely ambitious machine.
Arturia have released a space-saving controller that’s designed to fit into small home studios and...
A fully-weighted master keyboard at this price is unheard of. Is the KeyLab 88 too good to be true?
Arturia’s new Brute is even smaller than the last and, quite frankly, very cheap indeed. What’s not to like?
Arturia have broken away from their soft-synth roots with the MiniBrute, a 100 percent analogue monosynth. We put it to the test in our world-exclusive review.
The latest addition to Arturia’s Analog Experience series takes their hybrid software/hardware synth concept even further.
Arturia have taken their Origin concept further with the addition of a keyboard and new modules. So is it now the only synthesizer you'll ever need?
Arturia's Analog Experience range pairs tweakable preset soft synths with dedicated controller keyboards. We put the first two to the test...