Fostex 6301DT unveiled
In a striking example of 'old meets new', Fostex have updated their classic 6301 monitor with Dante networking capabilities.
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In a striking example of 'old meets new', Fostex have updated their classic 6301 monitor with Dante networking capabilities.
Fostex’s new headphone range offers closed, open and ‘semi-open’ options. But what’s the difference, and which would suit you best?
Fostex have been making planar magnetic headphones since before they were cool. How do their latest models fare?
Fostex aim to tackle the top of the closed-back cans market, with this premium new design.
In their new PX series of monitors, Fostex have chosen to use DSP to provide a range of useful configuration options.
I've always been impressed by the performance of Fostex's PM-series monitors, especially given their entry-level pricing, but the majority of the ones I've looked at have been two-way systems.
The latest additions to Fostex's TH range of headphones are two models that are targeted at professional studio applications.
These monitors fall into a price bracket between entry-level monitors and what we think of as more serious speakers.
Can such attractively priced studio monitors really do the job of presenting your mixes accurately?
The FR2LE promises high-quality stereo audio capture in a small and inexpensive package. Is it perfect for location sound recording?
Paul White checks out a solution to those studios limited on space (and finances) in need of a good set of monitors.
Even in a market that’s heading more towards the computer with every passing hour, there will always be a need...
Fostex's new recorder is the lowest-cost digital 16-track currently on the market. How have they made it so affordable?
Several unusual new technologies have been combined in this new product from Fostex to create an accurate mixing tool.
I am a guitarist and I want to buy a four-track digital recorder for less than £300. Do you have any recommendations?
I'd like to know more about the difference between monitor designs that feature ports and those that do not. How do they differ in terms of sound and performance?
We evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different on-stage playback machines, and offer advice on how to avoid those embarrassing live backing-track pitfalls!
These affordable active monitors from Fostex provide a tight and punchy sound, despite their compact dimensions.
Fostex enter the card-based multitracker market with a bang, offering eight tracks of uncompressed CD-quality audio from a single Compact Flash card.
Should I buy a second-hand tape recorder or cheap digital multitracker? How can I stop my speakers from 'booming'? Should the earth pin in an XLR plug be soldered to the shell? How reliable is the word clock on Yamaha's SW1000XG? Can you advise me about connecting a classic Leslie to a VK8?