Novation AFX Station
Novation have injected the Bass Station II with a healthy dose of Aphex acid.
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Novation have injected the Bass Station II with a healthy dose of Aphex acid.
Novation have teamed up with IDM legend Aphex Twin to produce a special edition of their modern classic monosynth, the Bass Station 2.
Novation scale dizzying heights with their new flagship synthesizer.
Novation’s ambitious new synthesizer brings together the best of analogue and digital.
In the 20 years since its launch, the Bass Station has become something of a classic — and with analogue monosynths enjoying their biggest revival since the early '80s, what better time for a sequel?
Novation go back to their portable synth roots with a compact gem that reworks the Ultranova synth engine and adds a few extras...
Synthesizer, USB audio interface, MIDI controller — Novation's Xiosynth does it all, and at a very reasonable price...
The monotimbral K-Station offered keyboard players an affordable Novation -- but now, for a bit more money, the company have released the KS4 and KS5, which add plenty of new features, better keyboards and multitimbrality. The perfect marriage at the perfect price? We find out.
Novation seem to be on a roll. Scarcely had the monotimbral A-Station made the cover of our December 2001 issue, when news broke of a £500 keyboard version. We look at one of the first UK production models.
The Supernova modelling workstation earned a pile of accolades for its excellent 'analogue' sounds, superb multitimbral effects, and its user-friendly, knobular interface. But Novation have now withdrawn the original and replaced it with the Supernova II. Can something so good get better still?