Sound On Sound Awards 2023: Winners & Highly Commended
This year’s SOS Awards celebrate the ‘best in class’ products launched or reviewed in the period from September 2021 through to the end of August 2022.
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This year’s SOS Awards celebrate the ‘best in class’ products launched or reviewed in the period from September 2021 through to the end of August 2022.
SOS visits the world’s most famous studio, Abbey Road, to discover how the ones and zeros in a digital recording get turned into grooves on a vinyl record.
We take a look back at the events and technology that changed the world.
This year’s SOS Awards once again placed the emphasis on innovation and contemporary design, with the nominations in...
Here are all the very worthy close contenders in each category who have been awarded our Highly Commended accolade.
January's annual NAMM exhibition provided the perfect opportunity to present the SOS Awards, which celebrate the products that you, the SOS readers, have deemed most worthy of these prestigious accolades.
CD technology? Eight-note polyphony? Things were getting pretty exciting back in 1985.