Tascam Studio Bridge
Tascam break out their Model range’s recording facilities into a standalone device that you can hook up to any mixer.
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Tascam break out their Model range’s recording facilities into a standalone device that you can hook up to any mixer.
Tascam’s new recording mixer is the most flexible Model‑series console yet.
The latest addition to the Model series boasts a more extensive feature set aimed at professional recording and larger-scale live sound applications.
Tascam's latest portable recorder offers a built-in stereo mic array and two additional inputs which can all be captured simultaneously at 32-bit.
Tascam's new Sonicview series consoles are equipped with a 54-bit floating point FPGA mixing engine, built in 32-bit/96kHz USB audio interface functionality, and Dante networking capabilities.
Version 1.30 of Tascam's Portacapture X8 firmware extends the device's 32-bit float functionality and adds a Mix Minus feature alongside some new memory capabilities.
Tascam have announced an upcoming firmware update for the Mixcast 4 that will introduce a range of useful new features.
Can the Mixcast 4 offer podcast producers something its rivals can’t?
With 32‑bit recording, multiple mic inputs and a smartphone‑style touchscreen interface, Tascam’s top‑of‑the‑range recorder is brimming with potential.
Tascam have done far more than shrink the Model 24.
New series of USB audio interfaces boasts quality conversion, ultra-low latency and high-performance preamps.
Offering both retro analogue simplicity and modern digital recording facilities, can this device be master of all trades?
Well, this is a bit of a turn-up. Tascam have just announced a delightfully retro-looking new 24-track multitrack...
The newest member of TASCAM's US series of USB 2 recording interfaces, the US-1x2 delivers 24-bit, 96 kHz desktop...
It’s an audio interface. It’s a digital mixer. It’s an eight-way microphone preamp... but how well does the US20x20 perform in use?
If you record on the go, then form factor is really important. Enter Tascam's brand new portable,...
Tascam break from the crowd with their new USB 2 multi-channel audio interface.
Put simply, if you want to send lots of audio inputs into your computer simultaneously, but don't want to pay too much for the privilege, the US1641 could be exactly what you're looking for...
Why carry two boxes with your mobile studio when one will do? Tascam's FireOne combines a MIDI and audio interface with a control surface, all in one convenient, paperback-sized unit.
The selection of USB 2.0 interfaces widens with the launch of these new models from Tascam.