Behringer MonoPoly
We test Behringer’s take on an underrated Korg classic.
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We test Behringer’s take on an underrated Korg classic.
Behringer’s version of the classic ARP 2600 could be the one you’ve been waiting for.
After recreating the Moog modular, Roland System 100M and ARP 2500 modules in Eurorack form, Behringer decided to tackle something more modern in the shape of a multi-engine digital oscillator module.
Behringer’s TD‑3‑MO isn’t just a TD‑3 with extra knobs: it’s a completely different instrument.
The Filtamp 1006 is a combined 24dB ladder VCF and VCA module with two mixable audio inputs, three modulation inputs, filter resonance and amplifier gain with linear or exponential control.
Behringer's RD‑8 is a cut-price recreation of Roland's classic drum machine. We put it to the test...
The very existence of the Behinger Model D has divided opinion, but just how good is this “homage” to the Minimoog?
Behringer’s first foray into the world of synthesis always promised to be interesting, and the results do not disappoint...
Behringer’s X-Touches offer affordable DAW control and tight integration with the company’s X-Air system.
This compact console offers an enticing set of features for both live and studio use — and does so at a highly appealing price.
The stagebox/mixer format has become hugely popular of late. Does Behringer’s affordable take on the concept deliver the goods?
If you don’t need a large control surface, these two racks offer compact and affordable ways to harness Behringer’s X32 mix engine.
The X32 Compact takes the heart of Behringer's flagship console and crams it into a cheaper, smaller package. We put it to the test.
Behringer's Ultragain ADA 8000 — a simple ADAT interface with mic and line inputs and analogue line outputs
Behringer’s new digital mixer and snake system are impressive on paper, but how do they fare under real-life gigging conditions?
Audio precision analyser test results accompany the article
Behringer are known for making cost-effective products, but their new X32 live mixer takes that to a whole new level...
Behringer’s take on the classic Auratones won’t break the bank — but will they help you make those crucial mix-balancing decisions?
Behringer keep coming up with affordable toys, and this time they sent us a selection of their 'Vintage' pedals. The folded-...
Whats black and white and red all over? Behringers fantastically cheap new audio interface and MIDI controller, of course!