Arturia Synthx V
The latest addition to Arturia’s ever‑growing range of vintage instruments is a recreation of the celebrated Elka Synthex.
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The latest addition to Arturia’s ever‑growing range of vintage instruments is a recreation of the celebrated Elka Synthex.
NI bring some light relief to the Schema concept.
Sample Logic rev their own engine, cinematic style.
Divisimate 2 brings a host of improvements and new features to Nextmidi’s orchestration software.
Can NI make Komplete even more complete?
Rating: 4.5/5 Stars. This library is Christian Henson’s attempt to combine the Yorkshire brass tradition with the sound of his favourite film noir soundtracks.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5/5 Stars. MusicLab's new virtual instrument samples the Godin Multiac Spectrum SA, a semi‑solid‑bodied hybrid that shares the qualities of both electric and acoustic guitars.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5/5 Stars. Disco Studio Strings offers a lush and authentic recreation of ’70s disco and funk string sections.
Drum Workshop bring their considerable experience of drum hardware to the virtual world.
NI’s long‑established software sampler gains a raft of new features and other improvements.
Expressive E’s idiosyncratic synth sequel puts MPE front and centre.
The Berlin samplemeisters link up with a Hollywood film composer to create two major string collections.
Synplant 2 takes a more horticultural approach to synthesis than you may be used to...
Do you tend to find remote collaboration projects disorganised and chaotic? This subscription‑based service aims to provide a neat solution.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ 4/5 Stars. DreamWaves is based on the sounds of electric pianos that have been modified and processed to make them sound ambient, ethereal, lo‑fi — and in some instances mildly disturbing.
Trigger physically modelled percussion sounds with your fingers.
No room for a drum kit? No problem! Try one of these Virtual Drum apps.
Toontrack bring the world’s favourite organ to EZkeys 2.
audio2score uses AI to turn recorded music into sheet music — but just how good are the results?
Omnibus takes audio from A to B, C, D and wherever else it’s needed!