Steinberg Cubasis 3.7 & Iconica Sketch
Fancy composing a symphony on your commute? Steinberg have got you...
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Fancy composing a symphony on your commute? Steinberg have got you...
With Songzap’s new AI‑powered accompaniment generator, making demos has never been easier — or more fun!
This desktop version of Loudness Penalty does more than tell you how much streaming services will turn down your tracks!
Elastic Melody offers creative melody generation in a compact iOS app format.
Steinberg’s mobile DAW just keeps getting better.
Cymasphere aims to make more complex chord construction available to all.
Ableton’s first app puts a Live‑compatible ideas machine in the palm of your hand.
Koala Sampler makes sampling simple again.
Could this natty iPhone app help you structure your songs and make better demos?
PlayScore 2 is an iOS and Android app that performs OMR (optical music recognition) via a device’s camera or graphics‑type file import.
FAC Drumkit is a flexible drum synth and sample player.
Woott is described as a ‘dynamic hype enhancer’ , which suggests we are in for a bit of not‑so‑subtle compression...
The Soundbrenner Core is a smartwatch made for musicians.
Steinberg’s mobile DAW just got even better!
Sugar Bytes bring their powerful drum machine to iPad.
Metagrid lets you control multiple pieces of software from a single iPad app.
Can Steinberg recreate the Cubasis DAW experience on Android?
Looperator takes any audio source and slices it into 16 steps, applying a series of effects to any step that include filters, stutters, slices, distortion, tape stops, volume modulation and looping.
What more can this plug‑in offer than the hardware that inspired it?
Although described as the world's most intelligent metronome, Drummer ITP is primarily an accuracy training app for drummers...