Expanding Your Audio Setup With ADAT
Despite being over 30 years old, ADAT Lightpipe remains the number one way to add more inputs and outputs to your DAW.
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Despite being over 30 years old, ADAT Lightpipe remains the number one way to add more inputs and outputs to your DAW.
Will I lose signal quality using a poor quality ADAT cable?
MkII keyboards feature drum pads, synth-action keybed and a built-in arpeggiator.
The new Q-series USB MIDI controllers come in 32-, 49- or 88-note versions.
Does the Strike MultiPad's killer combination of features, practicality and price make it the best percussion pad on the market?
Alesis unveil a new flagship Strike Pro Kit, with huge numbers of sounds and versatile components, with...
We get a demo of the latest electronic drum kit from Alesis, sporting four, dual-zone, eight-inch mesh heads...
Aiming to liberate keyboard players from the shackles of their normally immobile instruments, Alesis have...
Will Alesis’s affordable sample–triggering percussion pad prove hard to beat?
The VX49 keyboard provides advanced control of virtual instruments and DAWs via a full-colour, high...
Alesis launch a new range of full-size digital pianos at this year's NAMM convention in Anaheim, California. Read on...
These new integrated keyboard/pad controller series from Alesis targets the musician, music producer and live performer.
A leading tour musical director explains how his experience as a producer helps him to prepare hit records for live performance.
It’s cheap, but is it cheerful? We examine the latest controller keyboard from Alesis.
You might be surprised by just how much you get for your money with Alesis’s DM10 Studio kit...
The iO Dock from Alesis is designed specifically with the iPad in mind and offers a pair of 'combi'-style audio inputs, MIDI DIN and MIDI USB plus a handy footswitch socket.
The PalmTrack is an extremely affordable pocket-sized recorder with plenty of features — but have Alesis sacrificed quality to keep costs down?
Alesis are relative newcomers to the electronic drum kit market, but they’re quickly making up ground on their...