Manley Core
Billed as their ‘greatest hits’ package, Manley’s Core packs a lot into a package that’s less expensive than their previous offerings.
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Billed as their ‘greatest hits’ package, Manley’s Core packs a lot into a package that’s less expensive than their previous offerings.
More than a mere DI, this latest Sansamp if a fully featured bass preamp
For the first time, fans of Phoenix gear can assemble a full recording channel.
Sunset Sound S1P: Audio Examples.
Hollywood’s Sunset Sound studios celebrated their 50th anniversary with this incarnation of their legendary mic preamp.
Headway’s portable preamps are designed to help you get the best possible sound from your acoustic instrument, whatever it may be.
This 500–series preamp boasts huge tonal versatility.
Have Tree Audio gone out on a limb with their vintage-voiced valve channel strip?
Have Tree Audio gone out on a limb with their vintage-voiced valve channel strip?
Audient have updated their popular eight-channel preamp design to provide more features at a lower price.
Its price tag might give you the blues, but if you can afford it, the Tube-Tech MP2A could make all your preamp dreams come true.
JoeMeek's enduringly popular preamps, processors and channel strips are now available for Lunchbox users too!
Does the VSP2's build quality and performance justify its high-end price tag?
Effects veterans Eventide aim to let singers in to the pedalboard party, with this cunningly designed effects-routing and switching box.
We check out Gem Audio's classy and charismatic interpretation of the recording channel strip.
The latest of many hardware emulations from Universal Audio reproduces a complete API channel strip in your DAW.
Featuring a built-in push-button patchbay, it seems that this channel strip is scaling new heights...