Steinberg UR824
Steinberg’s newest interface features USB 2 connectivity and a impressive degree of integration with Cubase.
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Steinberg’s newest interface features USB 2 connectivity and a impressive degree of integration with Cubase.
Mastering keyboard shortcuts makes Cubase easier to use and is good for your health!
Steinberg’s Sequel is one of many simple but intuitive loop‑based music programs. What’s new in version 3 — the sequel to the sequel to Sequel?
Recording and mixing with outboard gear in Cubase 6.
After much hard work, Yamaha and Steinberg persuaded Rupert Neve that they could faithfully model his latest hardware in plug-in form. We pit the virtual Porticos against the real things...
Audio files to accompany the article.
Comping the perfect vocal from multiple takes is a common editing task — and Cubase 6 makes it easier than ever.
Cubase’s send effects aren’t just for reverb and delay!
Not everyone uses keyboards to get their MIDI into Cubase, and with other controllers you may need to do a little more work...
They shoot, you score! Cubase includes all the tools a would-be media composer needs to get started.
Cubase 6 pushes the boundaries of expressive sequencing, while adding polish and new editing functionality to keep existing users happy. Is it all too good to be true?
Drawing automation data in Steinberg Cubase has creative applications that transcend simple level and pan tweaking.
Have you ever wondered how best to use the different automation modes in Cubase? Then read on...
John Walden considers the leap from 32 to 64.