Cubase: How To Create An Envelope Follower | Audio Examples
Audio files to accompany April 2023's Cubase workshop.
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Audio files to accompany April 2023's Cubase workshop.
Looking for musical inspiration? You might just find it in Cubase 12’s Verve felt piano.
These four audio examples accompany the text in March 2023's main Steinberg Cubase workshop article to illustrate the musical...
The latest version of Steinberg's powerful sampling and synthesis software platform introduces FM synthesis capabilities plus a range of modulation and effects improvements.
Cubase’s FX Modulator makes it easy to design ear‑catching riser and drop effects.
These three audio examples illustrate the ideas discussed in February 2023's Cubase workshop.
Cubase’s Sampler Track is capable of making surprisingly playable backing vocals.
These three audio examples accompany the Cubase Sampler Track technique workshop in SOS January 2023.
Cubase 12...
Create retro sci‑fi soundtracks with Cubase’s Retrologue 2.
Sound On Sound December 2022
Cubase Workshop: Stranger Things Synths With Retrologue 2
Audio Examples...
Cubase 12’s new MIDI Remote features make it easier than ever to get hands‑on with your plug‑in effects and virtual instruments.
These audio examples illustrate the key ideas discussed in the SOS October 2022 Cubase workshop.
Want to generate vocal doubles or harmonies based on a lead vocal? Cubase 12 has all the tools you will need.
Steinberg continue to develop SpectraLayers at a remarkable pace.
This software instrument features an 18-piece string ensemble combined with synthesizer textures, wood and water sound effects.
The latest iteration of VariAudio includes all the tools you need to get vocals in shape for mixing.
These audio files accompany September 2022's Cubase workshop.
FX Modulator brings powerful new creative processing options to Cubase 12.
This set of audio example MP3s illustrate key ideas discussed in the Cubase workshop in SOS August 2022.
We get to grips with Cubase 12’s new Audio To MIDI Chords feature included in Pro, Artist and Elements.