Bokse US-8
Ian Gilby takes control of the Bokse US-8 Universal Syncronizer.
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Ian Gilby takes control of the Bokse US-8 Universal Syncronizer.
Even though it had no serious competitor quality-wise, Soundcraft's original Series 200 mixer was somewhat lacking in the 'useful features' department. The newly-improved 200B puts all that to rights as Dave Lockwood discovers.
Beyond the razor-blade: HHB's innovative CLUE system provides an answer to the digital editing dilemma. Paul Gilby pieces together the story.
A chance to do some crystal gazing at product developments in the music / recording / visual fields.
This 4-track MIDI sequencer is a step in the right direction for Casio but have the budget restrictions limited its appeal?
Jay Chapman discovers why this 16-track MIDI sequencer package for the BBC B micro, described as the musical equivalent of the humble word processor, is receiving so much acclaim from studio users.
Low cost digital reverb comes of age according to producer Robin Lumley.