Little Labs Multi Z PIP
Aimed at professionals, the Multi Z PIP combines premium DI box, mixer, and re-amping device in a single small unit.
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Aimed at professionals, the Multi Z PIP combines premium DI box, mixer, and re-amping device in a single small unit.
There can't be many Pro Tools users left who have not had to invest in an iLok key in order to run their favourite plug-ins. But did you know that you can insure, transfer and even buy and sell iLok plug-in licences electronically? Find out more...
This new master clock generator from Mutec can transmit a bewildering array of clock signals at many different rates simultaneously. Does your studio need one?
A range of impressive sonic claims are made for this unusual clamp design, but the physics behind it remains unclear (to me, at least).
Whether you're running a single PC in your bedroom or a bank of them in a professional studio, sometimes a tiny freeware or shareware utility can make the difference between frustration and elation. We round up some of the best and point you to places where you can find more.
We test another customised keyboard aimed at Cubase users.
ART Cleanbox II Hum Eliminator • Book Review: The Guide To MIDI Orchestration.
The ART Head Amp provides simple headphone monitoring for several performers. It's built into a small folded-steel...
Does defragmenting your hard drives, including the ones you use for recording audio, really result in better PC performance? Opinion is divided, so we take a considered look at the subject, as well as testing some of the most suitable 'defragger' utilities.
I've been coming home from gigs recently with my ears ringing and I'm worried about damaging my hearing. What kind of (preferably unobtrusive) ear protection should I be looking at?
I have a Neutrik quarter-inch jack patchbay that I'm having problems with. The unit is only a few months old but already I...
Tinnitus and other permanent hearing damage are apparently reaching near-epidemic levels. To help warn people when their hearing is at risk, the hearing-protection specialists Sensorcom have produced the Soundcheck key fob.
Roland's innovative V-Synth can now be reprogrammed with a RAM card, effectively turning it into another instrument. The VC1 card turns the clock back to 1987, perfectly recreating the S&S tones of the Roland D50.
I've recently bought a couple of bits of recording gear from the US via eBay (I'm in the UK) and wondered if I have to run them off a transformer (240V to 110V) or whether they can run off 240V?
Phonic's new audio analyser is certainly portable, but how well does it work?
Computer noise can be a major problem in the computer-based studio, especially where instruments or vocals have to be recorded in the same room. This soundproof cabinet with in-built cooling system is designed to tackle such noise.
This unusual unit provides an exceptionally revealing means of metering stereo signals.