Mix Rescue: Adding Life To Sample-based Productions
We explore some ways in which creative mixing can add life to a sample‑based production.
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We explore some ways in which creative mixing can add life to a sample‑based production.
Audio Files
Listen to the SoundCloud MP3 files for quick gratification, or download the high-res 24-bit Wav ZIP...
Check out these audio files which accompany our SOS November 2019 Mix Rescue article about Stem-Mixing-Mastering.
Check out these audio files which accompany the July 2019 Mix Rescue article.
Listen to the audio examples that accompany this month's Mix Rescue.
Our engineer applies his mixing chops to put a professional sheen on an unrepeatable vocal-and-piano performance.
Our engineer demonstrates that there’s no point showing off your production chops if they don’t serve the song!
Disappointed with the commercial mix of his band’s track, Barnabas Koch sought the help of our tame engineer...
Audio files to accompany the article.
Audio files to accompany the article.
Audio files to accompany the article with before and after examples.
Audio examples to check out yourself.
Our engineer reworks a busy mix, to make the chorus and outro rock like they should.
Audio files to accompany the article.
Audio files to accompany the article.
Audio Files to accompany this month's article.
Audio files to accompany the article.
We aim for more punch, depth and clarity in a quirky urban track.
Tightening timing, sustaining snares and silencing sibilance are among the tasks tackled in this month's remix...
Audio files to accompany the article.