Q. How can I fix timing issues?
I'm not new to technology or recording but, having started recording other people in my home setup, I have come across what I ...
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To find, say, all live recording articles that mention Avid, enter: live+recording +avid - and use sidebar filters to narrow down searches further.
I'm not new to technology or recording but, having started recording other people in my home setup, I have come across what I ...
Songs suffering from superfluous sibilance? Study SOSs super strategies for sorting esses...
These audio files accompany the How To Build Tracks Around Sampled Tunes feature that featured in SOS December 2011.
It sometimes makes economic sense to use a commercial studio, and you’ll often learn a thing or two while you’re there as well.
This month, we record a jazz big band on location, tracing the project from the planning stages through to delivering edited multitracks to the mix engineer.
Whether it's getting rid of the audio you don't want or improving the audio you do want, skilled editing can be the key to making your multitrack project sound polished.
If you've ever spent hours mixing only to be confronted with a wall of mud, you might need to think harder about how to use reverb and delay in your mixes — and some simple tricks can yield dramatic results.
Drum replacement is now a routine production job in genres ranging from pop and indie to high-tempo metal, and even live sound.