Mix Rescue: Russell Simon
No, it's not the Naked Chef, just Sound On Sound getting busy in the kitchen to salvage some old tape recordings... Note: there are no audio files accompanying this article
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No, it's not the Naked Chef, just Sound On Sound getting busy in the kitchen to salvage some old tape recordings... Note: there are no audio files accompanying this article
This month we overhaul rock band No Logo's mix in pursuit of a bigger and more commercial sound. Listen to Audio examples
Despite having a generally well-balanced mix, James Michael felt that his track wasn't sounding quite right, so he contacted Mix Rescue for some mastering pointers. Check out the 'before' and 'after' mixes while you pick up some useful tips.
This month, Dave Rogers' dance track gets a dose of production 'fairy dust'. Use the SOS Music Player to audition the changes.
Ian McMillan's band recording presents some challenging drum parts this month, and there are also tips for better mixing of bass, guitars, and backing vocals.
This month David Lowdon's synth-pop song gets the SOS makeover treatment.
Hear for yourself the before and after mix elements.
Here is a selection of audio files to accompany this month's Mix Rescue of Al James' song 'Schoolboy Fascination'. You can...
Links to the before and after mixes.
These audio files accompany my Mix Rescue article in SOS March 2020, featuring the song 'Muddy Water' by Dorothea Wessel.
Our engineer weighs up the benefits and pitfalls of a 'stems-only' approach to mixing and mastering an album for a self-recording band.
Despite the bewildering array of plug-ins now available, mixing still requires you to exercise good judgement with the basics of EQ and compression.
In mixing a live recording of a jazz concert, our engineer had to overcome some unusual spill-related challenges.
Having set out to capture a live-band feel when tracking, our engineer is tasked with steering the mix in a more polished pop direction.
These files accompany the Mix Rescue article in the December 2015 issue of SOS.
War Kites: We help a talented indie band achieve a more polished sound from their home recordings.
How can you enhance a live blues recording when all you have to work with is an MP3 of the mono ‘off-the-desk’ mix?
The Silent Majority: sometimes the best way to improve a mix is to take a break from it.
This month’s band, the Broken Heartbreakers, threw down the gauntlet for our engineer — could he improve what was already a decent mix?
The audio files to accompany the Mix Rescue artilce.