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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 items
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    AudioScape MK-609 Neve Metal Knob 33609 outboard compressor limiter

    AudioScape launch MK-609 compressor

    Company recreate & refine classic outboard design

    AudioScape have announced the launch of the MK-609 Precision Stereo Diode Limiter/Compressor, which offers their take on the ‘Metal Knob’ version of Neve’s classic 33609.

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    AudioScape UK vintage-inspired outboard

    AudioScape range now available in the UK

    Vintage-inspired range gains UK distribution

    AudioScapes popular range of outboard gear can now be purchased directly in the UK.

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    SUPERBOOTH24: AudioScape Engineering EuroBuss

    Video Report

    A remarkably faithful sonically period-correct recreation of the legendary British-Console’s centre-section quad compressor, reimagined in 18 hp!

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    AudioScape DA-3A outboard compressor limiter Teletronix LA-3A replica clone

    AudioScape launch DA-3A compressor

    Recreates an LA-3A with popular gain mod

    The latest piece of hardware to join the AudioScape line-up recreates one of the most sought-after compressor/limiters of all time.

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