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Distorters / Saturators

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    Great Eastern FX Design-a-drive guitar overdrive pedal UK

    Great Eastern FX Design-a-drive

    New overdrive pedal equipped with unique tone-shaping controls

    The latest overdrive pedal from Great Eastern FX Co. has been designed to compliment any amp and pickup combination.

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    Dangerous Music 2-Bus-XT analogue summing mixer

    Dangerous Music 2-Bus-XT

    Redesigned summing mixer with new colouration options

    Dangerous Music have announced that their new 2-Bus-XT summing mixer is available for pre-order. 

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    Standard Audio Level-Or Mk2 Dual hardware limiter distortion

    Standard Audio Level-Or Mk2 Dual

    Dual channel version of 500 series limiter/distortion unit

    Standard Audio's Level-Or Mk2 Dual is a JFET limiter and distortion unit based on the Shure Level-Loc PA limiter. 

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    STL ControlHub plug-in

    STL Tones release ControlHub

    Amp modelling specialists turn their attention to mixing

    STL Tones have used their amp modelling technology to create a plug-in that emulates entire recording signal chains.

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    Two Notes ReVolt pedals

    Two notes ReVolt amp simulator pedals

    Guitar and bass models both feature 12AX7 valve preamp

    ReVolt Guitar and ReVolt Bass are a pair of new three-channel amp simulator pedals that feature an all-analogue signal path with a valve preamp stage.

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    Superbooth 2022 - DOCtron Instant Mastering Channel

    Video report

    The Instant Mastering Channel from DOCtron combines an EQ, a VCA compressor and a drive stage into a lightweight and portable unit. 

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    Superbooth 2022 - Freqport Freqtube FT-1

    Video report

    Freqtube FT-1 combines an outboard valve processing unit with a DAW plug-in for control and recall. 

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    Rob Papen RP-Distort 2 distortion plug-in

    Distort 2 from Rob Papen

    Popular distortion plug-in gains powerful new features

    New distortion plug-in adds custom distortion options and gains Disrupt-Sphere feature from company's DelSane delay. 

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    Main screen of FabFilter Saturn 2 multiband distortion/saturation plug-in.

    FabFilter Saturn 2 released

    Major update for multiband saturation/distortion plug-in

    FabFilter have decided to rebuild their multiband distortion and saturation plug-in from the ground up in a major redesign that brings it in line with the clean and simple GUI of their more popular plug-ins whilst peppering Saturn 2 with a host of new, enticing features.



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