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Acustica Audio release Zaffre suite

EQ & compressor/limiter aimed at mastering duties

Acustica Audio Zaffre mixing mastering EQ VCA compressor analogue modelling emulation plug-in

Aimed at those mastering in the box, Acustica Audio’s latest release comprises two separate plug-ins that draw their inspiration from high-end British outboard gear. Powered by the companies renowned Aria engine, Zaffre combines a four-band EQ and a modelled VCA compressor that both go beyond the capabilities of the hardware they emulate. 

Zaffre EQ

The first of the two plug-ins, Zaffre EQ, is a neutral-sounding equaliser that combines four bands with dedicated low- and high-pass filters. Its Low and High bands offer ±10dB of gain at 130Hz – 1.35kHz and 800Hz – 4.5kHz respectively, while the Low Mid and High mid bands provide peak filters with a ±10dB gain range at 39Hz – 1.2kHz and 560Hz – 3.9kHz along with adjustable Q.

The company say that its precise controls make it a great choice for both mixing and mastering tasks, and that its capable of enhancing sources or tackling problematic frequencies without impacting a signal’s overall integrity. For those who are after a little character, it also boasts a selection of three modelled preamp stages. 

Zaffre Comp

Next up is Zaffre Comp, which models a Class-A VCA compressor and promises to deliver unparalleled precision and dynamic control as well as an excellent transient response. Unlike Acusitca’s previous offerings, its compressor and limiter sections that can either be used independently or routed in series. Along with the usual collection of parameters, the plug-in boasts a SHMOD control that alters the shape of the attack envelope, attack and release hold settings, and a continuous stereo linking control.

The limiter then offers a look-ahead function and true-peak limiting capabilities. As with the EQ, Zaffre Comp  The plug-in is also equipped with a number of dithering options and can operate either in conventional stereo or Mid-Side modes. 

Both of the plug-ins have been developed using Acustica’s Hyper technology, which combines IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) and FIR (Finite Impulse Response) in an effort to overcome computational limitations and enhance the processors’ audio quality. Thanks to their Aria engine, they also boast in-depth real-time metering displays and utilise an Anti-Aliasing algorithm that offer reduced CPU consumption. 


Zaffre is supported on PCs running Windows 10 and above, and Macs running macOS 10.15 or higher. VST2, VST3, AU and AAX plug-in versions are available. 

Pricing & Availability

Zaffre is available now, and is being offered at an introductory price of €79 until 28 August 2024, when it will increase to its full price of €139.

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