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Kits.AI unveil Voice Designer

Create custom AI-generated vocals

Kits.AI Voice Designer AI-generated vocal software application

Voice Designer, the latest application from Kits.AI, allows users to generate their own unique-sounding vocals from scratch, and offers detailed control over parameters such as tone and vibrato. Unlike many AI-based tools, however, it doesn’t require any pre-existing audio files or datasets.

When creating a new voice, users are presented with a set of options that offer a choice of male or female vocals along with a selection of genres: pop, rock, R&B, rap, traditional and Latin. The resulting voice can then be customised using a Randomness slider and an intuitive click-and-drag interface that makes it possible to blend seamlessly between Breath, Power and Warmth voice models. Once the desired sound has been achieved, it’s just a case of clicking the Create Voice button, and the custom model will be available for use within a few minutes. 

Take a look at the video below to hear Voice Designer in action. You can also try it out the first few steps for free directly from your browser using the Kits.AI website.

Fairly Trained

The organisation are keen to point out that they prioritise the ethical development of their tools. They’ve recently been certified by Fairly Trained, an organisation set up to ensure that companies creating AI-based technology keep responsible practice and artist compensation as core principles of their business.

Pricing & Availability

Voice Designer is available now. It is included in the company’s subscription plans, which start at $7.99 per month (when paid annually).

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