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Pro Tools control for Eventide processors

E-Control for H8000, H7600 & Eclipse
Eventide have announced a new RTAS plug-in called E-control, which provides real-time control over the company’s H8000, H7600 and Eclipse hardware processors. Parameters inside the plug-in can be automated using Pro Tools, so that settings and alterations can be quickly recalled, without having to make manual adjustments to the hardware. It will become available at the end of April, costing $199 (around £100), although it’s free if you purchased your product after September 1st, 2007. Visit the newly designed to download the plug-in.

If you’re an Eclipse owner, you can also download a free update for your hardware, which accelerates the operating system and doubles the number of parameters that can be controlled at one time.

Also newly announced by Eventide is news that owners of the Time Factor and Twin Delay stomp boxes can download new software to enable extra features in their pedals. One of these, Spill Over, provides smooth switching transitions between presets.

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