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Square Root billed as “world's most linear near-field speaker”

Funding campaign launched on Kickstarter

We’re often extolling the virtues of accurate monitoring in the pages of Sound On Sound, so when a company claims to have created the world’s most linear near-field speakers for music creation, it naturally peaks our interest. The company in question is Square Audio, a firm based in Latvia and LA and the key design concept behind their new speakers, dubbed Square Root, is the use of a single full-range driver. The benefits of this type of speaker, in theory, are many.  For instance, it will mean there are no crossover distortions, and no delays caused by driver alignment. Having a single point-source should also make for better stereo imaging. 

Square Audio claim that the speakers have a frequency response of 40Hz-22kHz (+/-2.5dB), have a maximum SPL of 103dB, and can be used at distance up to 2m. 

Roland Yanevich, CTO of Square Audio explains: “I did set two goals when designing Square Root. They had to be affordable for way more customers than Square One [the company’s first speaker] and they needed to have the best possible quality in the size required for their use as musicians’ every day companions. Fortunately I had researched dozens of acoustic designs and worked with tons of components before and I knew the perfect solution to achieve outstanding accuracy in performance of Square Root”.

Square Audio are currently looking to fund production of the first Square Root batch via a Kickstarter campaign, which is live now and until June 19. Square Root will be available at several price points and with optional finishes. Standard black or white versions (limited to 25 pairs for early backers) will be offered at $690 — subsequent retail price $1490. Special editions with optional mahogany, cherry and oak finishes will be available for $990.…

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