Tascam MO8
Tascam are known for the quality and reliability of their larger consoles: now they've turned their hands to a super-mini mixer, which will have to slug it out with similar models already on the market. Paul White assesses its chances.
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Tascam are known for the quality and reliability of their larger consoles: now they've turned their hands to a super-mini mixer, which will have to slug it out with similar models already on the market. Paul White assesses its chances.
At under £500 — less than an eighth of the original price of its VL1 predecessor — Yamaha's VL70m constitutes a brave attempt to bring physical modelling synthesis within the reach of all musicians. Martin Russ joyfully welcomes this monophonic modelling module...
The budget effects market's looking increasingly crowded, with £199 as the new entry-level price norm. Does Zoom's 1204, which features unusual effects not normally found at this cost, stand out from the crowd? Derek Johnson finds out.
One-time lords of synth-pop, OMD have had a chequered 18-year history, but frontman Andy McCluskey genuinely believes their 10th and latest album ranks among the band's best work. Nigel Humberstone talks to McCluskey and producer Matthew Vaughan about the making of Universal.
Hugh Padgham is one of a select band of producers whose work is always in demand by top musicians, and whose style always seem current and relevant. Richard Buskin catches up with him on a rare break in his busy schedule, to talk about his latest project with Sting and Phil Collins.
Equipment manufacturers frequently boast that with their gear, your creativity will be limited only by your imagination. Electronic musician Ian Boddy explains how his increasing his limitations actually enhanced his work.
The Internet contains far more information than you could hope to assimilate in one lifetime — the problem is finding things you actually want to know about! In the first of a two-part series, Derek Johnson and Debbie Poyser don their Tour Guide badges and present a musician's guide to interesting World Wide Web sites...
In addition to his respected solo work, Roger Eno has been involved in collaboration with brother Brian and other musicians, and is now part of Channel Light Vessel, also featuring the talents of Bill Nelson, wind player Kate St John, and Zither player Laraaji. Paul Tingen talks to him about his many musical facets.
These days, you can pick up an Atari ST computer for under £100, and its once-guaranteed studio ascendancy is seriously threatened by the Mac and PC. Paul Ward checked out all the alternatives when upgrading his computer, and decided to stick with the faithful ST. Here he explains why.
The flexibility of digital multitrack and hard disk recording is undeniable. But what if you yearn for the sound of your old analogue machine? Craig Anderton explains a trick which uses the playback head of a three-head analogue deck to give you the best of both worlds.
When Martin Walker decided it was time to buy a removable SCSI hard drive for his sampler, he fondly imagined that it would be a centralised storage solution for both samples and MIDI data from his PC, streamlining song organisation and making sample management easier. Enter reality...
Does looping drive you loopy? If you have a hard disk recording system, and currently spend hours hunched over your sampler trying to find perfect loop points, this article could be for you. Simon James supplies the foolproof method...
Martin Russ investigates OMS and FreeMIDI compatibility, explains how you can protect yourself from copy protection, and rounds up more Mac news and useful 'net addresses...
Cubase Audio for the Falcon gets an upgrade, there's a new shareware editor for Sound Canvas users just out, and controversy rages on the net about the place of the Atari ST. Ofir Gal presides.
This month, Brian Heywood explores the delights of 'generative' music with Koan Pro, and checks out a new, easy-to-use soundcard.
Getting the best performance from a digital tape recorder such as the DA88 depends largely on conscientious maintenance and cleaning. Tascam's chief service manager, Joe Fialho, tells Paul White what can safely be done by the user — and when it's necessary to call in the professionals.
Martin Russ's Studio 5LX has changed the way he runs his studio. In the first of this two-part series, he explains how to set up a multi-port MIDI interface, and reveals some of the ways in which these useful devices can simplify your life.
Although much loved by musicians, Boss's SE50 and SE70 effects processors have now been discontinued, and the new SX700 is designed to replace them. Rob Brady decides whether the SX can follow in the footsteps of its forefathers, or whether it is destined forever to walk in their shadow.
Though it costs no more than last year's TSR24S, Digitech's latest top-line studio processor offers twice the power, an improved user interface, and a digital connections option. Derek Johnson leaps into action.