Studio One Metering Options
We talk you through the various metering options available in Studio One.
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We talk you through the various metering options available in Studio One.
PreSonus are giving SOS readers the chance to win an amazing recording bundle of premium PreSonus gear (worth £1599$1945).
The new 5.4 update includes intelligent chord detection, plug-in nap, M1 compatibility and much more.
Guitar giants Fender have acquired Louisiana pro audio brand PreSonus in a "definitive agreement of merger".
Automation helps you realise your creative vision by baking in those movements, changes and layering that you couldn’t manage to pull off in your performance. It also lets you resuscitate a dying mix and breathe new life into your tracks.
Manipulate the timing of MIDI and audio with Studio One’s Tempo Track.
Get creative with Studio One’s FX Chains.
In Studio One, Layers are all about the wonderful world of managing multiple takes.
The Browser’s presence and impact has swelled to take in all sorts of file‑based functions and probably has a raft of features that you weren’t even aware of.
Customers who buy any of PreSonus' studio monitors will now be eligible to receive a free recording software bundle
PreSonus’ affordable DM‑7 comes with all the mics you’ll need to capture a quality drum kit sound.
We take a look at what’s included with PreSonus Sphere.
Passive monitor controller features a subwoofer output and alternate Bluetooth 5.0 listening source.
Some of Studio One’s hidden gems are now available to users of other DAWs.
We explore the 5.2 update which offers enhancements to the Score Editor, the introduction of live looping to the Arranger Track, and improved tools for remote collaboration.
We show you how to structure your music with the Arranger Track.
Update adds improved handling of articulations, drum and tabulature scoring, enhanced Show Page and more.
We look at how to improve our workflow with the magic use of key commands, also known as hot‑keys or keyboard shortcuts.
The Show Page is designed for live performance, and combines the roles of virtual instrument host, mixer and backing‑track player.
Studio One's analogue-emulating plug-in suite is now available for use in any DAW.